With the holidays past me and a new year ahead, it's time to do a little catching up. I have been working like crazy on all of my print on demand websites and while they have been a handful, I'm thinking about adding a couple more. I have just added a new squidoo page related to my zazzle store that updates every time I add new products. It can be found at http://www.squidoo.com/image_americanaszazzlegalleryshowcase.
I'm still not sure about this whole squidoo thing but I guess you get out of it what you put into it.
I had three pieces selected again this year for the Stark County Artists Exhibition which ends on February 8th. I'm so glad that the Massillon Museum is going to be around for awhile. I think it would leave a hole in the art scene here if it wasn't around.
I've been interviewed for online articles twice in the past couple of weeks, both relating to RedBubble. I'll post the links here when they are published.