I can breathe now
It finally came and went. My exhibition at the Museum was last Friday night and it went really well. About sixty people showed up which was more than I had expected. My "crew" ( Jamie, Mick, Jenn and Joe ) stayed the whole time for moral support. Joe of course was the comic relief for the evening and Mick had the usual job of holding my hand as always. The Museum staff was awesome and I so appreciated all of the hard work that they put into this show for me.
While getting ready for this exhibition, I seriously questioned myself if this is what I want to continue to do. It wasn't easy working full time, dealing with the usual stuff at home and putting a show together. Looking back on it, I realized that the things that you want the most are always the hardest to accomplish. Nothing comes easy without effort.
I would do this again in a heartbeat.
Thank you always.