A pocket full of Tootsie Rolls
I've been doing pretty good lately capturing local fairs and festivals. Mickey invited me to Minerva for the annual homecoming parade and fair. I haven't been to a parade since I was a kid and I had a blast. The participants in the parade toss handfuls of candy to the kids lining the streets. I came home with the mother load of Tootsie Rolls weighing down my pocket and I didn't even have to lift my shirt to get any! No, I didn't knock over any small children for my candy. I scurried into the street to get mine when they were too loaded down to carry any more back to the curb. The streets were actually littered with leftover candy after the parade.
I think I love Minerva.
There is a book in all of this, I just know it.
Glad you're coming out of your shell. I think there are wonderful things in store for you... (and I hear your 50s are even better-- creatively speaking-- then your 40s, so there is a lot to look forward to!).