Step back, step up.
As my one reader knows, (thank you, Kris) I haven't been available for a long while. I truly believe that you have to look back at where you have been to see where you are going. I have missed my "former life" as a "struggling artist". That was evident to me when I took my first steps back into that life when the two images above were selected to be in the Stark County Artists Exhibition. The opening reception seemed so familiar and yet so foreign to me. The familiar was the rush of seeing your work hanging in a public space. The foreign was that I didn't know a soul there.
So my goal has been to get back into the art community. I'd like to say this was some New Year's resolution that I'm making good on but this journey actually started back in November. I'll be posting more on this later to catch up on the past and to hope for the future.